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News on Aberfeldy New Masterplan

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As a resident, this project will make my dreams come true

We recently received this incredible story from a local resident which we wanted to share with you all.

The Aberfeldy New Masterplan is about delivering real change for the community, by the community. We want to hear from all of you, so please share your own story at

Starting this week, we are hosting drop-in sessions if you want to chat all things Aberfeldy. These will be:

Mondays 2.00-4.00pm - Poplar Works, 384 Abbott Road E14 0UX

Thursdays 2.00-6.00pm - Your Future Aberfeldy Hub, 43 Aberfeldy Street E14 0NU


This past year has been so tough on everyone. Overcrowding really hit me during lockdown. With teenage boys growing up, the constant arguing and bickering, the messy house because there is no space and the difficulties we faced only having one toilet. It makes you realise how important having spacious and quality housing is, and how much it can impact you if you don’t.

I am a resident of Jura House, I have been living in this property for over four years with my husband and 5 children in a 3 bedroom maisonette. For us, it has worked ok, but when the pandemic hit and forced us all inside, the problems mounted ever further.

I have tried to make this property a home for my family but the building is so run down from issues of dampness to cupboards falling off the hinges, drafts during the colder days to the lack of space and storage. I need more, and I need better.

But I know that change could be on the horizon with a bigger and better home, in a nicer and safer neighbourhood. I have been clinging on to the hope this regeneration will happen soon and we will finally get a home my children can enjoy, flourish and be proud of.

Aberfeldy has the potential to be such a beautiful place if this regeneration was to continue, already the Aberfeldy Village has really brought the neighbourhood alive and my whole family love walking around the area, seeing it change and evolve.

We just hope that Jura House is next. Jura House, in particular, is one of the most run down parts of this area and desperately needs some attention.

We don’t have access to our balcony and the open space in the area feels unsafe and anti-social. Now that the weather is beginning to turn, we want to enjoy the Summer’s sun as much as everyone else, but the impact of our housing situation and the wider neighbourhood means that for us, it is better to stay indoors.

My sons love to play sports in the blue cage, but due to a lack of open spaces in the area, these too, are often overcrowded and unwelcoming. For young boys, it is so important to exercise and socialise with their friends but without this regeneration, this will never be a reality.

Safety is a real concern for many of us parents in the area. All of my children have to walk through the underpass on their way to school. I have always felt fearful for them when they take this part of their journey. It is unsafe, unattractive and dirty. The darker days are particularly scary.

We are not alone in this. Many of the families in Jura House are suffering similar fates to us and we know that we are not alone in wanting change.

The underpass, as with so many parts of the area, could benefit so much from improved security measures such as lighting, or better accessibility and more walkways. This area should be about the community, and making the community feel safer, happier and having more space is fundamental to that.

I attend the Resident Steering Group (RSG) and I have been so impressed with everything that Poplar HARCA and EcoWorld have done. The presentations are excellent and the feeling of community involvement and being a part of the future of Aberfeldy is so exciting, it truly gives residents hope for a brighter, nicer way of living.

Poplar HARCA and the RSG workshops have really listened to our ideas and given us a glimpse into having a better way of life. I really that the masterplan comes to life as for the residents it would be a dream come true and make Aberfeldy a thriving and confident community.

As a resident, I thought I should share my thoughts and feelings with you all, because this project really will change so many of our lives.

We thought this was an incredibly inspiring story about the need to regenerate Aberfeldy, bringing new and better homes, a safer, more connected neighbourhood, and facilities than work for the whole community. If you want to share your story of why you think Aberfeldy needs this masterplan, please get in touch at

Posted on 15th April 2021

by Lowick