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Frequently asked questions



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Tile cover image: Local pupils from Langdon Park school talk to our team member Dinah Bornat about what they want the future of Aberfeldy to look like. From The Guardian; Photograph courtesy of: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian

There were a number of questions you want answers to, or further information on, as we would expect at this early stage.

When is the earliest that the first phase of works could begin?

Our Answer: Subject to planning approval, we expect the first phase of work to start at some point in 2022.

What impact will the masterplan have on parking?

Our Answer: Those who already have parking permits will continue to have a parking space. This may not be in the exact same location as it is now, but every effort will be made to make sure parking spaces are as close to as possible to where your new home will be.

How will you make sure to build genuinely affordable housing, especially homes for social rent?

Our Answer: As we start to agree the exact height of buildings, locations and number of homes over the coming months, we will be able to share more information on this. Remember, at a minimum we will re-provide the same number of social rent homes as are demolished. We share the community’s wish to go well beyond that.

What size will the proposed new site for Culloden Primary School be? And what facilities will the school offer?

Our Answer: We are developing a masterplan that will allow for the school to relocate in the future or stay where it is. This could deliver significant benefits including brand new facilities, a healthier, happier environment for pupils away from pollution on the main road and a new, strong connection to Millennium Green, giving pupils green space on their doorstep. We are looking at a variety of options that will allow for the school to remain at the same size or potentially, to increase in size from a 3 form entry school to a 4 form entry school. We want to make clear that no decisions have been made yet. Dedicated consultations will take place with residents, teachers, parents and pupils, as well as the local community, to make sure a decision is made that works for everyone.

How the school could relate to Millennium Green

What will happen to the traffic if the A12 underpass is pedestrianised?

Our Answer: For drivers, we will create a new vehicle junction to the A12, just to the north of the existing underpass, at the end of Abbott Road. So, there will still be direct access for cars and bus services, however the new junction will be less dominant than the existing vehicle underpass which currently splits the Nairn Street area from the rest of Aberfeldy.

Our idea is to repurpose and refurbish the existing vehicle underpass to be accessible only to walkers and cyclists. This would create a generous, safe and welcoming route from Aberfeldy to the west across the A12. This also will help release land to create and new public space called Highland Place, remove the north-south disconnection between Aberfeldy West and Nairn Street, and enable new homes to be built. Not only do we think the new environment will be much safer and more pleasant for walkers and cyclists, it would improve east-west and north-south connectivity.

Sketch of the proposed new walking and cycling only underpass

Frequently asked questions

There were a number of questions you want answers to, or further information on, as we would expect at this early stage.

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